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Leeds Trinity University Reviews

229 Reviews by Students

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3.93 / 5 from 229 verified student reviews

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Internet / Wifi

Read Leeds Trinity University Reviews

Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member941325 On 10th August 19 verified Verified student

I loved my time at Leeds trinity.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member841315 On 10th August 19 verified Verified student

It is a nice small University in a lovely location. However it is far away from the city and whilst living on site it does not offer much for students. Need a better communal area with more things to offer.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1241304 On 9th August 19 verified Verified student

Absolutely fab experience! Felt like a real community that you were part of! Lecturers were all so supportive and remembered you as an individual not just one of the crowd. Would definitely recomend as a uni. Small campus so easy to navigate but a lovely place!

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 2 /5
By member1241275 On 9th August 19 verified Verified student

Expensive. £5 a day to park when lecturers and visitors get it for free. Canteen is beyond my pricing, would have to take out an mortgage. Societies not well advertised. Have to pay for every trip, including travel and entry fees to museums etc. These trips have an assignment attached to them so you must go. If you’re like myself and receive next to nothing for student loan then you struggle.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1341270 On 9th August 19 verified Verified student

Fabulous from beginning to end

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1241251 On 8th August 19 verified Verified student

Small, modern campus with good views of the surroundings. The staff and students are friendly and welcoming. Wifi is accessible all over campus with a large library that opens 24h during exam and busy semester periods.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member841250 On 8th August 19 verified Verified student

Staff in our department are great but they weren’t helped by university administration which seemed determined to end our department

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3 /5
By member1341244 On 8th August 19 verified Verified student

There have been 10+ occurrances of halls on the campus not having power for times varying from a few minutes to sever hours, which includes not having internet or water, this past year.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1341240 On 8th August 19 verified Verified student

Studied here for three years, absolutely loved it! I’ve always described it as a hidden diamond in the middle of nowhere! I especially loved the Student’s Union

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member541181 On 8th August 19 verified Verified student

I absolutely loved the accommodations available on campus, it felt like I really was part of a community. Although I did not partake in any clubs or societies I know a few people who have and have absolutely loved it from day one. Also, the help I received from the placement team was amazing, I met with them a few times and each time I came out with something to do and go forward, they helped me in so many ways when I was very stressed.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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