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University College London (UCL) Reviews

719 Reviews by Students

How do you rate University College London (UCL)?

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Ratings and Reviews


4.26 / 5 from 719 verified student reviews

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Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi

University College London (UCL) Hall Rankings

East Central House #1
Somerset Court #2
Elizabeth Croll House #3
Grosvenor House #4
Pavilion Court #5
North Lodge #6
Piccadilly Court #7
Bloomsbury Janet Poole House #8
Stapleton House #9
St Pancras Way #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Ratings and Reviews


4.26 / 5 from 719 verified student reviews

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Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi

Read University College London (UCL) Reviews

Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member1338906 On 4th June 19 verified Verified student

Everything is on the average level, although the fee is quite expensive especially for international students.

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Student Review: 1.2 /5
By member537158 On 17th April 19 verified Verified student

DO NOT COME TO THIS UNI! UCL has been the worst experience I have ever had! As an MSc student the facilities available are terrible, the support from lecturers are terrible! Throughout my exam period I have contacted my lecturers for support and 3 out of 4 ignored my emails and 1 of them replied saying he cannot offer help. It is an absolute waste of money. The teaching is poor, and the lecture notes available are horrendous! It really comes down to your own knowledge and effort when it comes to revising for exams. As a MSc chemical Engineering student I expected to have good communication and availability in dedicated study spaces, however this was not the case. I would advise not to attend this university, as you will be very disappointed and depressed. The expectation from some modules are far beyond what is being taught. One of my modules I was being taught one thing and being tested on something far beyond and deeper than what we had learnt and covered throughout the course.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1136999 On 9th April 19 verified Verified student

Nothing but positive about this university

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member436748 On 25th March 19 verified Verified student

As a MSc student I’d warn everyone not to attend this uni. There is a lack of support for students and whilst you follow exactly what is asked for you they fail students/ give out poor grades for no reason. It seems they don’t want to give out too many high grade degrees.

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Student Review: 1.2 /5
By member1035481 On 15th January 19 verified Verified student

TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY! I am an international student. This uni is just a racket to get foreign students money and provide next to NO services. You cannot get into the classes you need, they offer no help, they just want your money!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member828375 On 19th September 17 verified Verified student


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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1324811 On 24th November 16 verified Verified student

Genuinely the best uni in London.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1124600 On 7th November 16 verified Verified student

I love UCL, amazing societies and social spaces

Campus / Facilities
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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member622646 On 26th May 16 verified Verified student

It is not a campus university but most of its facilities are located in one place in central London.

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Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member520992 On 4th March 16 verified Verified student

Amazing uni, Loved every single lesson I had there. However the downside of this université is it's administration...

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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