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University of Liverpool Reviews

1,592 Reviews by Students

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Ratings and Reviews


4.35 / 5 from 1,592 verified student reviews

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Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi

Accommodation in Liverpool

University of Liverpool Hall Rankings

Calico #1
Benson Yard #2
Limelight #3
St Luke's View #4
Horizon Heights #5
Glassworks #6
IconInc - The Ascent #7
Fontenoy Apartments #8
Hope Street #9
Moorfield #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Ratings and Reviews


4.35 / 5 from 1,592 verified student reviews

How do we calculate ratings?
Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi

Read University of Liverpool Reviews

Student Review: 4.2 /5
By cwil218 On 23rd May 15 verified Verified student

Brilliant university, I am having the time of my life, brand new accomodation and brand new guild

Campus / Facilities
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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member115955 On 31st March 15 verified Verified student

The 24/7 Libraries are fabulous! The coverage of the WiFi is so good! For Facilities, we can book the room free in the Guild if u under a society!

Campus / Facilities
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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.7 /5
By member95361 On 26th March 15 verified Verified student

Internet is SUPER temperamental in halls!

Campus / Facilities
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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member91398 On 16th February 15 verified Verified student

Views of Liverpool from a non-scouser

The city is the most vibrant and exciting place away from London. The clubs and societies are fantastic and well worth joining, they took use the city to their advantage during socials.

I do feel that £9,000 is a big ask and cannot always see the benefit, for example my course does not even have its own building and we are sent hiking round the campus for different lectures.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By livreviewer On 9th January 15 verified Verified student

great uni wouldn't have gone anywhere else

Great nightlife, has to be said. Probably the best, i prefer it to newcastle! Great librarys loads of resources. Tutors are really helpful. Everything really

Cant think of any.. Tuition fees? But thats not just liverpool

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
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