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University of Southampton Reviews

695 Reviews by Students

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4.36 / 5 from 695 verified student reviews

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Read University of Southampton Reviews

Student Review: 2.8 /5
By hannahdutton On 20th February 15 verified Verified student

loved it until i saw better

Large number of societies, great night life with so many clubs and student nights. Generally very lovely people at the university, all like minded and down to earth. small enough to get to know a lot of the students, recognise familiar faces and feel at home. Always sunny and stuff to do if you find it!

Great uni but situated in quite a rough area with high levels of crime. Teaching standards vary majorly depending on you're degree, it may be a great uni for engineering or medicine but suffers in other departments. Although there are many societies it is very easy for students to get lost, if they do not have a specific interest, for example a sport they play, it becomes harder to socialise and students often remove themselves from the student union community. As there is so much nightlife in southampton the union fails to hold decent nights for their students. When compared to my friends universities, e.g. Bristol, Nottingham, warwick etc, i felt let down by southampton, with a less attractive campus and lack of social spaces for students as well as poorer quality halls and the removed option of catered halls which i think holds a special quality for a university.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
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