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The University of Manchester Reviews

1,490 Reviews by Students

How do you rate The University of Manchester?

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Ratings and Reviews


4.18 / 5 from 1,490 verified student reviews

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Accommodation in Manchester

The University of Manchester Hall Rankings

Artisan Heights #1
Bridgewater Heights #2
Piccadilly Point #3
Canvas Manchester #4
Element Manchester #5
Victoria Point #6
Parkway Gate #7
Kincardine Court #8
The Chapel #9
Mill Point #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Ratings and Reviews


4.18 / 5 from 1,490 verified student reviews

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Read The University of Manchester Reviews

Student Review: 2.4 /5
By member1355476 On 21st March 21 verified Verified student

Good university , sh*** acommodation

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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member1355090 On 10th March 21 verified Verified student

Nothing special and the burocratic side is extremely slow and laid-back...

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member754978 On 5th March 21 verified Verified student

Overall experience was good. Didn't handle very well the pandemic. Offered students housed in uni halls money back bc of lockdown but ignores students in private accomodations

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member754771 On 1st March 21 verified Verified student

Great staff support and nice campus.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member989286 On 15th January 21 verified Verified student

An outstanding university! A Russel group University in the top 5 universities in the UK, and within the top 20 of the whole world! This university truly lives up to its amazing reputation. The lecturers are passionate, professional and engaging. Everyone strives to be their best and there is a great sense of community. The university is near the city centre, so great nights out, bars, restaurants and other great things to do. The campus is also stunning.

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1153046 On 10th December 20 verified Verified student

Good vibes,fervent staff.Excellent facilities

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member653044 On 10th December 20 verified Verified student

Very good ! Hope to see you in Manchester! Keep safe!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1053038 On 10th December 20 verified Verified student

an OCD student doing OCD program likes it

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member752622 On 27th November 20 verified Verified student

careers service are great at helping you feel prepared

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member452549 On 25th November 20 verified Verified student

As a post grad I have had a. Great experience at uni of Manchester

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1252137 On 15th November 20 verified Verified student

The University on the whole is very good. The only reasons why I didn't give it a full 5 star review is that the management structure is not aimed at caring for students, the welfare of students is consistently ignored. They do not provide adequate counselling services and the welfare in halls is abismal. The Students Union is really good, they are completely independent of the university which is rare in modern day universities. The Wifi can occasionally be closed down for a day or two when updates are being done, which is unacceptable in the new online university format. The societies also sometimes have issues with sexism and bullying, which is not dealt with properly by the AU or the university.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1152135 On 15th November 20 verified Verified student

Would be better if the university accommodation service listened to students

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member552022 On 10th November 20 verified Verified student

I love the uni of Manchester so glad I chose here having the best time

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member451625 On 18th October 20 verified Verified student

Beautiful campus, full of students and feels quite safe. Lots of restaurants and cafés and lots of local events such as food markets and plant/homeware markets too. I use the stopford building which isn't the prettiest sadly, but has excellent anatomy resources. Food and drinks are readily available in most buildings I've been to, as is wifi. Libraries are often full, but they have computers and printers as well as books(apparently!) Medics have their own societies which are well organised. I rarely use the students union but the building has a number of food and drink places, careers and finance advice and often has events such as plant sales.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member751366 On 1st October 20 verified Verified student

Owens park,Tree court catered hall is daylight robbery. No breakfast, cold dinner literally thrown at you because our floor is isolating.Electricity line keeps tripping and so no lunch either;We are expected to study at the end of all this ordeal. Regretting coming here

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member950413 On 13th August 20 verified Verified student

Great university academically, but when you need help with any paperwork or any other thing it could take a long time, and most time they won't help you

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1350270 On 5th August 20 verified Verified student

pretty good uni, students union is okay but there is cheating in the elections. campus is pretty, courses are good and facilities are good. UoM have also recently divested from fossil fuels and arming Israel so it's getting better.

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By Yes On 21st July 20 verified Verified student

Great university overall. You have lots of support for everything and they are quite flexible regarding problems you may have. The lectures are held in comfortable lecture theatres and the lecturers are passionate about what they teach (at least the ones I’ve experienced). The tutorial scheme is really helpful and they help you develop the skills needed for uni. All lectures are recorded so it’s okay if you miss one of if you don’t feel like going (s*** happens). The campus is big and nice to walk around and the students union is a great place to hangout. The libraries are a bit crowded but really nice (specially AliG). Really happy with my first year.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member1349949 On 18th July 20 verified Verified student

Overall great experience. Very helpful staff and good facilities.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1349827 On 9th July 20 verified Verified student

Nice place. The classes are good. The campus is nice

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member1049678 On 5th July 20 verified Verified student

The course content was good but I wished I had more contact hours. We only get around 9 or 10 contact hours. The course is very independent and sometimes there is a lack of support. My academic advisor was good but rarely communicate with me. Lecturer and tutor were mostly very qualified with some exceptions. The value for money is the main thing I can complain about. I don't believe that humanities or social sciences courses, in general, are as expensive as any other STEM courses (especially the one that requires equipment and labs). So why charging Home fee students the same? It is simply unfair.

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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member1249178 On 8th June 20 verified Verified student

A nice university, great facilities especially the Ally-G and staff are friendly. However there is a lack of university spirit or community I feel.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member449060 On 5th June 20 verified Verified student

Amazing uni can't recommend enough. Anything you might need, they have. Great library, teaching staff, location, support services etc. I struggled with my mental health at the beginning and they have endless support services including group classes and independent counselling.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1348956 On 2nd June 20 verified Verified student

Not reviewing the university, just the accommodation at MSV South, which is appalling

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By PartyGARL On 12th May 20 verified Verified student

Please fix the internet connection. Great party place!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1247395 On 17th April 20 verified Verified student

Very cooperative and always happy to help

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member20192020 On 2nd April 20 verified Verified student

A very big and lively university.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member124 On 16th March 20 verified Verified student

it is amazing in terms of employing support.

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By EdwardHight On 9th March 20 verified Verified student

Manchester is an excellent University and offers everything but its down to you to find it... Im here to go to lectures and then go home... that's just me. I came here for the City. Manchester is an amazing city with 100's of bars, clubs and restaurants and is amazing to explore.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member446496 On 6th March 20 verified Verified student

Overrated. Complete lack of the support you need from tutors regarding work etc. Better off going to Salford in my opinion.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member545255 On 6th February 20 verified Verified student

Dreadful place - avoid like the plague !!! I made a huge mistake choosing to go here....Leeds or Liverpool would have been bad. Students union are useless when problems arise. When the Victorian acquired UMIST in 2004/2005 competition ended in the city and the result is a monolithic greedy body more concerned with getting punters through the door than student welfare or other. A cabal of crooks and politicians.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By @RandomRoger On 5th February 20 verified Verified student

Uni staff are very helpful and the lecturers are all pretty good. The accommodation people are absolutely useless though.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member945065 On 29th January 20 verified Verified student

It's a very good University, with good facilities, excellent staff and high standards. SU lacks, but is overall just okay.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By LauraNL On 29th January 20 verified Verified student

University of manchester is a good university. Loads of facilities and they organize a lot of their students. Something going on every week and never boring! Sporticipate is amazing! Pretty buildings and nice volunteering projects. Would recommend studying here !

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member644934 On 21st January 20 verified Verified student

The wifi isn’t too bad. Tutors are not very supportive. Procedure orientated, very little warmth from staff apart from a couple of lecturers. Halls are disgusting, expect to see rats. Catered food is extremely unhealthy and by and large disgusting. Our canteen was shut down for 2-3 weeks to tackle the rat infestation after students spotted dead rats lying about on the canteen floor numerous times. Pastoral care is minimum if you find yourself lost or struggling in the depressing, rat ridden crack den of fallowfield don’t expect much help. If you enjoy socialising with people that drink till they can’t speak join the sports societies. Also be aware there isn’t a large diversity of students. Out of the hundreds of students I met, only two are non-private school.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member444931 On 20th January 20 verified Verified student

Came up here from the South of England, and it's the best decision I ever made. Take my word for it, it's an amazing experience, and a great city to live and learn in.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1144918 On 20th January 20 verified Verified student

the worst university has ever seen in my life poor program espicially dentistry, harassment, exclusion, racism, victimization intimidating staff. Be careful to not study at this university at all!!!! They fooled me and provided me with Dip instead of MSc because i raised a complaint !!!! Don't study at this University pleaseee!!!!

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By A.G On 16th January 20 verified Verified student

Its a prestigious university with a lot of history

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member844805 On 14th January 20 verified Verified student

It has all of the things you would expect from a university but its very easy to find yourself doing nothing at all, especially if you're on a course with few contact hours. The societies are dominated by sports and sports alone. But Manchester as a city is entertaining enough.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member544704 On 9th January 20 verified Verified student

S****** accommodation of any uni I’ve ever been to, good for pastoral support but just go for private accommodation if you don’t want to pay thousands for s***.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1044678 On 8th January 20 verified Verified student

uni is awesome live in fallowfield if your a social person

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By Inès On 29th December 19 verified Verified student

You will always find help for anything you might need, teachers and staffs are really helpful! Coffees and spaces to work are available everywhere and the city is always full of life !!!

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1044508 On 19th December 19 verified Verified student

Great, large campus with an extensive amount of clubs and societies within the students' union. High speed internet all across campus

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Student Review: 3.2 /5
By member1144424 On 14th December 19 verified Verified student

Really friendly staff, family-like atmosphere, lots of extracurricular activities and guidance provided by staff members. Got employed immediately after graduating. SU is dissapointing and makes it hard to network with colleagues outside your school.

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By Yesbro6969 On 4th December 19 verified Verified student

Pretty solid uni. Big enough that there’ll definitely be people you get on with but maybe too big that you can’t find them

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member644004 On 25th November 19 verified Verified student

Great university- would definitely reccommend

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Student Review: 1.6 /5
By member743646 On 15th November 19 verified Verified student

University was being renovated so a lot of facilities were old.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member442360 On 23rd September 19 verified Verified student

Lack of student diversity for all postgraduates courses under the School of Natural Sciences.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member10 On 21st August 19 verified Verified student

So happy with my university choice, its a really open and free thinking place and there are so many opportunities available in all aspects of student life!

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1241500 On 16th August 19 verified Verified student

Appalled with the lack of compassion from this universy

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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member540727 On 25th July 19 verified Verified student

I studied for a masters degree at the University of Manchester. Given my time again I would never go back here, based on my experiences. The academics did not care one jot about my education. There were very few classes and my polite emails asking for help were ignored. I self-taught almost everything, which was extremely stressful. I actually received more help online from staff at other universities (I am not making this up!). All communication on my course had to go through the school office via their official email. As such, there were some lecturers on the course who I never saw in person. I did not feel like a student here, at all. I really regret not going to Surrey or Birmingham who have a more open and friendly approach with their students. In summary I did not receive an education at Manchester. It is a degree factory with unfriendly staff, both academic and clerical.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member940229 On 8th July 19 verified Verified student

It was a happy time with great students and supportive staff

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member940229 On 8th July 19 verified Verified student

Best uni I have been to, I enjoyed every bit of my time there!

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Student Review: 2.2 /5
By dodongai On 8th July 19 verified Verified student

The learning commons and my friends at college is what makes the difference. Apart from that its okay.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By cosmo93 On 7th July 19 verified Verified student

Internet service is rarely patchy but that's just eduroam! The careers team are really good and thoroughly helpful, even with niche postgraduate queries for the future. The clubs and society choices are fantastic. The best part is if there really isn't something for your fancy, you can just make your own society with a clear set of goals and some helpful volunteers and the Union will back you. The SU is very good, however they are thoroughly pushing the PC vibe which not only leads to some questionable media presence but also, sometimes the actual needs of the majority of students goes out the window. In a fight to be the most politically correct voice, sometimes students are witness to some organisational blunders and some really delayed replies and points of action. All in all, lovely people though. The facilities are dated and not maintained, the tutors in the flats have power-complexes in the nicer halls, the Estates team are really hard to track down and get stuff done

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member840117 On 4th July 19 verified Verified student

I am only going to review the North Campus, the engineering section. This campus is depressing, full of old buildings and old ways of doing things. The communication between the staff and students is awful. They don't tell you anything. It's a joke. Spend your money elsewhere, avoid at all costs.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member737907 On 14th May 19 verified Verified student

Eduroam always crashes. Apart from that the uni are always really helpful

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member737775 On 10th May 19 verified Verified student

Lovely staff Shernise from chemistry building great attitude friendly and very welcoming as well serving best coffee in town wonderful worker

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member837691 On 5th May 19 verified Verified student

the campus is well organised. sometimes the wifi is down.

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By Zeddy On 21st March 19 verified Verified student

University is overall a good uni

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member636483 On 12th March 19 verified Verified student

This university offers a very active student life, modern teachings..

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Student Review: 1.4 /5
By member736481 On 12th March 19 verified Verified student

nothing going on at students union, next to impossible to make friends in the city as its so large, so if you have a s*** flat, youre completely screwed. i even joined societies and couldnt meet anyone at all as noone is open to socialising

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1336455 On 10th March 19 verified Verified student

Amazing laboratory facilities, great people, cheap to live

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Student Review: 2.4 /5
By member536438 On 9th March 19 verified Verified student

The halls are shocking - broken vents and broken locks, car damaged twice in a £120 parking space, unhealthy catered food, pest infestations incl cockroaches and rats, unwilling and unhelpful reslife, shocking overcrowded library services, terrible internet that cuts out daily

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member736431 On 9th March 19 verified Verified student

Everything is available in the University however it is not easily found or known about due to lack of communication. Students Union host good events and gigs but do not expect any student academic support.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1136402 On 7th March 19 verified Verified student

An amazing university in an amazing city there’s not much else to say

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member536396 On 7th March 19 verified Verified student

Great place to study loved every minute of my degree!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member835576 On 24th January 19 verified Verified student

So glad i went to Manchester, great mental health facilities, beautiful libraries and best night life. You don't get much help academically but I kinda liked the independence.

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Student Review: 1.6 /5
By member635397 On 4th January 19 verified Verified student

it is the worse university I have been to in the whole UK and I have been to 3. They bully international students and students with disabilities. If you have a choice go to any London university -City is very nice.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By UoMLove On 30th December 18 verified Verified student

Its the biggest uni in the country and gets a stupid amount of funding, they're using the money well and i feel it!!!

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1235263 On 10th December 18 verified Verified student

As an international student, this uni is amazing. Made many nice friends, met people from all around the world, enjoyed the lovely Business school... I just love the city. One downside is that the career service isn't super helpful

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member735182 On 3rd December 18 verified Verified student

Great chemical engineering facilties, really passionate lecturers and extra support like office hours and video lectures are brillant

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member435153 On 1st December 18 verified Verified student

Love it here, wouldn't go anywhere else

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member735046 On 24th November 18 verified Verified student

Free wifi everywhere, the Ali G is an amazing place to study in (open 24hrs) and the student union is great for food (reasonably priced vegan options too!)

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member734948 On 17th November 18 verified Verified student

great uni , nice people , diverse students

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Student Review: 5 /5
By olliegilpin On 5th November 18 verified Verified student

Great place to live and highly acclaimed (for good reason) uni to study at

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member834680 On 29th October 18 verified Verified student

It was great, the libraries were amazing

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member434621 On 24th October 18 verified Verified student

Glad I got a place at Manchester. Great city to live in with lots to offer. WiFi is always fast and reliable wherever you go. The main campus and its buildings are excellent and extensive. One particular highlight is the 24hr Learning Commons where you can pull an all nighter if you need to. Not many clubs or societies which appeal to me and the Students Union is somewhat disappointing compared to others like Cardiff, but plenty of other places to go to anyway. The campus and halls are also located on a busy and reliable bus route so it’s easy to travel around. My hall (Owens Park) is appalling but I’m sure this does not apply to the rest of the university’s halls, most of which look nice.

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Student Review: 2 /5
By BelowMinimums On 26th September 18 verified Verified student

Careers service non existent, Staff don't have an open door policy and can be quite rude and full of themselves. Every person i've asked either lacks enthusiasm or hates it, even the local students. Lots of international students, Like c.a. 4:1 ratio.

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member633575 On 23rd August 18 verified Verified student

Rubbish student union. Food selection is rubbish and their food events are just cringe. The only people who go are international students. Never enough spaces to sit in the library. Where are my tuition fees going ?!!!

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1033389 On 9th August 18 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester tries hard to keep its rank as high possible, by increasing the wirk loads of the PhD students, increasing its expectations, and their stresses. There is no ear to listen to the OhD students, poor PhD supervision, very bad guide without understanding the students need. The career services just advise the international students to go back homes, the faculty is do old. The staff is not helpful not teolying your emails. Group meetings are nonsense and out of targets. They only push the PhD stufents to have outcome gor them without any guidance, and usually the students feedback are not heard. The only thing matters them is collaboration without providing details. Supervisors are chasing the students by calling them at midnight on their progresses. It was so stressful to study in such a place and hopefully this will end soon.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member833272 On 1st August 18 verified Verified student

I have been a part of the university for over a year and I believe it has provided me with the best career advice

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1133263 On 31st July 18 verified Verified student

A great university in an inexpensive city- one of the best universities for being a student!

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member733211 On 29th July 18 verified Verified student

It's a nice Campus, with everyone ready to help and make your experience enjoyable. Manchester is a great place for students, it's not too touristic, has lots of students, and there are lots of student discounts everywhere. There are lots of places to eat or just enjoy your morning coffee around campus, there's wide selection of clubs and societies and everyone can find something for themselves

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Student Review: 2.4 /5
By BelowMinimums On 28th July 18 verified Verified student

Bums on seats Uni. They really don't care about students they just want your money. They don't really take notice if your there or not so long as you get good grades.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1032673 On 3rd July 18 verified Verified student

Best social life. Great people and great facilities.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1232150 On 5th June 18 verified Verified student

I had the absolute best 3 years of my life at Manchester. The standard of lectures was exceptional and the ability to get involved with student life and societies is second to none. I do not know anybody who didn’t like the uni. I met the most fantastic people and friends for life. Most people stay on to life in Manchester after because it’s a smaller cheaper London.

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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By Pqlamz On 31st May 18 verified Verified student

Just finished my first year here, it is a very good university but as other reviews have said, the staff can come across quite rude and full of themselves. A lot of students here are the same. Clubs and societies are poor - a lot of them won't accept you if you don't have experience or aren't talented in a particular area which is annoying and can make you feel quite lonely sometimes because there's nothing to do. Other than these points the university itself is good, a lot of support and libraries etc available.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member631770 On 28th May 18 verified Verified student

Overall a nice university. Very good facilities. Lots of places to study, eat, meet people, do sports. I haven’t been involved into societies. The SU was helpful but not that much. Careers service can be very helpful to find a job. Internet was okay, although it was slow at times and everytime I opened my laptop, i had to reconnect for it to work.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By Kit Edgcumbe-Rendle On 25th May 18 verified Verified student

'Neglagence to diligence is ignorance'. Great Uni. Come here. Social life is brilliant and if you like going out its top drawer. Had a great time here and when people want to crack down with work; they do. Staff are generally good, but its quite liberal so be aware of some strikes. Also remember - People who do reviews are usually a bit weird anyway so don't always trust 'em.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1331711 On 22nd May 18 verified Verified student

Great University, fantastic city, brilliant support & mega social life.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member531709 On 22nd May 18 verified Verified student

Internet everywhere - lots of help. I’m only in first year but I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Student Review: 2.2 /5
By member731686 On 21st May 18 verified Verified student

My time at this university has been the worst time of my life, no question. From day one I felt isolated and alone. At such a big university you would think this wouldn't be the case, but the social events are poor and unless you already have a talent for something there are no societies to cater to you. Different universities seem to attract different sorts of people, and Manchester seems to attract people who are completely apathetic about everything. Many of the students here seem to have no desire to do any work, no one is enthusiastic about anything and many people are very emotionally distant with no apparent desire to make anything beyond a superficial connection with anyone. As a passionate and enthusiastic person, I have found it very difficult trying to have conversations with people who don't care about anything. The organisation is a joke. The study facilities are non existent. Course content was interesting and career service really helpful, but overall a waste of time

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1031649 On 16th May 18 verified Verified student

I'm currently finishing my 2nd year as CS student in this University. In short, don't go here. Teaching: If you want to prepare for the lab or the exam - you have to Google, Google and Google. For a lot of subjects, students go and watch Stanford Uni lectures online to understand the material. No comments. 3rd year project is an illusion, student proposal is an illusion, as you would have to find to find the supervisor yourself. Once you start doing that, you realise everyone replies with "I'm full." And then you realise that good staff-proposed projects are taken by the time you receive this pointless answer. Campus/Facilities: CS building is awful on the outside and dull on the inside. Careers Service: it's almost non existent. University relies on you doing all the search when it actually comes to finding a placement, for instance. The will not help you if you are international student, they won't support you. Awful experience.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By Jake Oliver On 14th May 18 verified Verified student

I love manchester. it's beautiful. the people are lovely as well, better than anyone from london

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Student Review: 2.2 /5
By member1331484 On 29th April 18 verified Verified student

They are always fixing things but the quality does not improve.

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By student1502 On 15th April 18 verified Verified student

Very big, diverse university. Huge range of societies and teams, and many different subjects. Library is huge and there are many other study areas available, however there is no way enough study space for all students and it is often very difficult to find anywhere to sit and revise. University is quite close to the city centre, but much of the accommodation is not in nice places, mainly victoria park and fallow field is quite rough too. Overall quite good, lots of opportunity and help available.

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member1331358 On 9th April 18 verified Verified student

I don't care too much as long as the uni has a good reputation.

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1031353 On 9th April 18 verified Verified student

Okay university, must go to the Freshers fairs to easily get involved in anything otherwise feels like there is no opportunities afterwards.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By Behappy On 13th February 18 verified Verified student

I am a distance learning student and I find very little support from tutors. Some tutors are amazing but most are very disappointing. No follow-up at all. Assignment marking is usually not fair. I receive very little feedback on how to improve in my assignments. For example, I got 50/100 on one assignment with a feedback saying "excellent piece of work". Further, I don't think that those tutors care about how much knowledge we gain, the are making a huge deal about critique skills and writing skills. You can easily get a distinction if you write an assignment containing only critiques with no scientific basis, and fail if you link critiques with the knowledge you learn throughout the course. Again, I am not talking about all tutors. Some are very helpful and provide realistic feedback and help students improve. As an online student, I hardly ever get the chance to participate in any uni events.

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