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The University of Manchester Reviews

1,490 Reviews by Students

How do you rate The University of Manchester?

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Ratings and Reviews


4.18 / 5 from 1,490 verified student reviews

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Accommodation in Manchester

The University of Manchester Hall Rankings

Artisan Heights #1
Bridgewater Heights #2
Piccadilly Point #3
Canvas Manchester #4
Element Manchester #5
Victoria Point #6
Parkway Gate #7
Kincardine Court #8
The Chapel #9
Mill Point #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Ratings and Reviews


4.18 / 5 from 1,490 verified student reviews

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Read The University of Manchester Reviews

Student Review: 5 /5
By member1388006 On 23rd June 23 verified Verified student

really good uni and lovely staff. i love the city too

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1187953 On 23rd June 23 verified Verified student

During covid the support was minimal from university

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member887939 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

Situated in a great city with good bus and cycle routes. Offers lots of different degree courses but be prepared for a research intensive degree!

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member987937 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

I’ve not completely explored my campus but from what I have seen, the campus is clean and truly scenic. I’m not a part of any clubs/ societies by choice but I do know there is absolutely something for everyone. The social life is really good on the campus with many spots to eat and drink, but to also simply chill with friends. For Christian students, there are a few churches located close to campus, and there are also a handful of Christian societies to promote fellowship. If you love a concert, there is high chance of a performance going on in the campus academy in the week. Bus links via the university are also great with buses coming as regular as every 5-15 minutes. If you care about all things environmental, this university is great. Not only do they encourage cycling or scootering to work, in the curriculum as part of the university’s STELLIFY award, there is an opportunity to learn about sustainable living independent of the course one is studying. I love my university!!

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member1187916 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

International tuition is a joke. No way any degree from this school is worth 70 thousand pounds. Other than that decent staff and buildings.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1387908 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

Good facilities and great range of activities. Weekly career events and great student service team.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1087891 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

Campus is pretty big and has many places to study and get food. But in exam season it gets very crowded in libraries and they may need to make more study space. Wish the tennis club had an indoor tennis court as it rains a lot. The student Union are pretty amazing with many societies to join and the associate members do their best to improve our student life. The wifi is most of the time working but sometimes it does down.

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member887886 On 22nd June 23 verified Verified student

Overall great experience learning there but nothing too special.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member987538 On 14th June 23 verified Verified student

Lots of facilities and always getting emails about voting for people and filling out questionnaires for how the university can be better and in for a chance of winning prizes ones that we would like for example free parklife tickets, iPads etc

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member487435 On 11th June 23 verified Verified student

Wifi ok but during the last 2/3 weeks of semester 2 (so exam season) the wifi quality dropped severely in halls. Was completely unusable.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1287430 On 10th June 23 verified Verified student

It's an overall fine University. I can't say much because I unfortunately don't get involved too much with my Uni's activities like I should, but it seems fine.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member587039 On 31st May 23 verified Verified student

Great university! Lovely professors and good student environment.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1286977 On 30th May 23 verified Verified student

The Law building needs improvement, Also The mental health service needs a reform.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1286994 On 30th May 23 verified Verified student

Really enjoyed my law degree, includes a variety of very interesting topics and is qualifying.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1186993 On 30th May 23 verified Verified student

Great university experience, very diverse and friendly

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1286978 On 30th May 23 verified Verified student

Good university and resources but staff are extremely entitled and unhelpful. Admissions process was horrendous. Lecturers were lovely however admin staff were the most unhelpful people. They didn’t think i would pass selection, so I had to contact the union to help me. Very elitist despite me having above the correct grades.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member886705 On 24th May 23 verified Verified student

cant complain about anything as rarely went onto campus due to materials being accessible online

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1386534 On 22nd May 23 verified Verified student

Good experience overall, nice historical buildings

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member486303 On 16th May 23 verified Verified student

Good study spaces such as AGLC which is 24hrs. Lots of events. Teaching can always be better.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1386290 On 16th May 23 verified Verified student

Really the efforts paid off to get an opportunity to be at UoM. OMG! There are so many things to explore, experience and do; my 1 year of MSc seems too short for that! Love to being at UoM :)

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1086262 On 16th May 23 verified Verified student

University of Manchester has been a great 1st year experience. In terms of the facilities it’s extensive and I find it ready to navigate my way through campus.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member586245 On 16th May 23 verified Verified student

Loved my learning experience here. The location of my lecture halls are wonderful and there is always something to eat or somewhere to study nearby.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member986097 On 13th May 23 verified Verified student

The University atmosphere is very nice

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1086054 On 12th May 23 verified Verified student

Love attending. Lectures are great with good access to blackboard and additional resources

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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member885489 On 29th April 23 verified Verified student

Corrupt higher ups to view their students as cash cows and a student union largely incapable of holding them to account. Massive rent strikes and building occupations this year are the only option we're left with.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1284932 On 25th April 23 verified Verified student

I studied economics in University of Manchester, The teachers are really nice. you can really learn something from your academic experiences.But the University is really high pressure in it to keep yourself in an efficient way.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member684737 On 22nd April 23 verified Verified student

Very delighted to be a part of this university.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1284596 On 20th April 23 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester has a great social vibe and societies to suit everyone's hobbies. Lecturers are friendly and really quick at responding to emails. They also have a really good careers service to give you plenty of ideas about jobs, and the writing fallows to help read over any essays you have written and offer advice.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member684463 On 18th April 23 verified Verified student

Great university very central and social

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1384351 On 17th April 23 verified Verified student

I think it is really good, I would definetely recommend people coming here

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1084350 On 17th April 23 verified Verified student

Very good uni to meet new people and enjoy my course

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1184030 On 12th April 23 verified Verified student

This is generally a great university.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1183003 On 1st April 23 verified Verified student

Manchester University is an exceptional institution that offers a world-class learning experience. The professors are knowledgeable and passionate, and the curriculum is challenging yet rewarding. Additionally, the campus is vibrant and diverse, providing a welcoming environment for students from all backgrounds. The social scene is also fantastic, with numerous clubs and societies to join, ensuring that students have a well-rounded university experience. Manchester's location is ideal, with easy access to the city's cultural and entertainment offerings. Overall, studying at Manchester University is an incredible opportunity that will provide students with a valuable education and unforgettable memories.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member882807 On 30th March 23 verified Verified student

Healthcare course. Well supported, provided with excellent learning tools, easy to contact lectures, good society’s, su is dull for such a large university and should have more organised social events.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1382445 On 27th March 23 verified Verified student

It’s a good university but more things need to be put in place for POC. We had a study abroad programme for my course and they didn’t put any measures in place for that and almost sent me to a country which could have been potentially dangerous for a woman of colour.

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Student Review: 2 /5
By member581938 On 22nd March 23 verified Verified student

Poor uni with little support for students

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member681905 On 21st March 23 verified Verified student

That’s so cool and teachers are nice

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1381873 On 21st March 23 verified Verified student

Good,good,good,good,good,good, good

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member881774 On 21st March 23 verified Verified student

The best, would study here again if I could!

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Student Review: 2.8 /5
By member1180666 On 8th March 23 verified Verified student

I am on a postgraduate course, MEd psychology of education. The course is very boring, it covers what the lectures and course directors are interested in, with little room to explore anything else. There has been disruption from tutors leaving and changes of faces with no explanation. The course director is very set in her ways and does not allow for any opinions that differ hers,. In terms of linking theory to practice, she only refers time spent in a small rural school which is clearly not reflective of the current issues and demands in education. It is feels quite dismissive of all the hard work I have done in a primary school in a deprived inner city location. Overall I find her attitude out of touch with current educational practice and more focused in research. The assessments are very prescriptive and focuses on one topic, despite spending weeks learning about various aspects of child development for example, the assessment focuses solely on attachment theory. Wouldnot recommend

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member480646 On 8th March 23 verified Verified student

I like it here, and I like the module selection in my course

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member880407 On 5th March 23 verified Verified student

A great institute with excellent resources and professors for my degree

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member579009 On 20th February 23 verified Verified student

Provides you with many opportunities to seek out for yourself. Some buildings are old but facilities are generally fine.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1279005 On 20th February 23 verified Verified student

Its a good experience, fun time with batch mates, but no individual attention at all

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member978956 On 20th February 23 verified Verified student

No comments on the university at this time

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1378931 On 20th February 23 verified Verified student

very prestigious university, offers great support

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member878930 On 20th February 23 verified Verified student

The university is in an ideal location

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member778885 On 19th February 23 verified Verified student

Its ok, student support can be better.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member478841 On 18th February 23 verified Verified student

All thing is good and the people are so nice

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1078825 On 18th February 23 verified Verified student

I get to learn new things about the subject I wanna pursue my career in

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member978814 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

Overall, it is a good University

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member778803 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

Parkway Gate has a very good location, and it is within walking distance of universities, as well as city Centre. Most importantly, the receptionists Carol and Tamas were very helpful in helping with my issues. Will recommend this accommodation to every students I have met.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1178794 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

The environment is pretty good. The facilities are excellent and we can do our personal tasks through any computers in campus or remotely control them through our own computers. And there are also many activities and career support.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1178792 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

University is great! I enjoy my time there

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member978777 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

Good and working with students, staff are not rly aware of what we are doing but still working on the uni stuffs

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member978776 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

The customer service is brilliant, Zobia and Lexi are always friendly and kind. They always speak to me when I come to collect my parcel :)

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member778725 On 17th February 23 verified Verified student

Good place to study . Love the time spent

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member978715 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student

Very good uni from an academic perspective. The careers service is very useful and lecturers actually care. The new buildings are stunning, the old ones not so much. University halls here have to be some of the worst i have seen. Social life can vary depending on where you choose to live

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member1378706 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student

Great university with multicultural exposure.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1278683 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester is a great university with a great environment, a team of professors, a student support center. I am very happy every day in school. I love this university very much and enjoy every day here

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1178636 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student

Dave, zobia and lexi are amazing person!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member878594 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student


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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1178590 On 16th February 23 verified Verified student

Zobia, Lexi and Dave are so lovely and welcoming! Thank you so much for looking after us :)

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1378561 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

Unfortunately whilst you are a student at the University of Manchester you are seen more as a number rather than a person. There is not enough support or care for students whilst at university and out of it.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1178504 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

Good reputation, good campus but can be improved for student services

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member1278487 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

It offers world class education from extremely knowledgeable professionals. Diverse and multicultural that provides exposure to me as an international student. Safe and secure environment for all students is provided.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member1378483 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

It is a fulfilling experience to study at the University of Manchester.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member978468 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

Has everything we need. Good facilities.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member478450 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

The university is very good, however the programs are too research based.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member878448 On 15th February 23 verified Verified student

Very good university. Provide a lot of different options in their courses across all their departments.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member1078382 On 14th February 23 verified Verified student

Good social life and societies.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member478294 On 13th February 23 verified Verified student

Good social life and academics.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1377987 On 10th February 23 verified Verified student

Great university, good location, and very nice career service, helped a lot!

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Student Review: 1.6 /5
By member1177891 On 10th February 23 verified Verified student

Just an overall disappointing university outside of the lectures, the university cares so little about student wellbeing

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member477502 On 7th February 23 verified Verified student

expensive fees for international students, limited services if you dont ask for it.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member677480 On 7th February 23 verified Verified student

Amazing university when it comes to teaching and academics! Lovely staff and such dedicated professors.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member677209 On 6th February 23 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester is a great mix between city and student life.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1276699 On 31st January 23 verified Verified student

good teaching resources and good student service.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1076577 On 30th January 23 verified Verified student

It’s a great university. And give me 170 pounds, thank you UoM.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member476519 On 30th January 23 verified Verified student

the university of manchester provide the valuable chance to study my undergradate course and to get the higher level in the future. the environment is great and provide the necessary instructions for students

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member676516 On 30th January 23 verified Verified student

perfect university, Outstanding and state-of-the-art campus and facilities for study and leisure purposes.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1076412 On 30th January 23 verified Verified student

Beautiful campus with great facilities and many study and social areas. Friendly people. In a fun city

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1276334 On 28th January 23 verified Verified student

We would like to thank Ms Chao Chan Sou, an employee of unite student. She did a great job, had a great attitude and was willing to help us.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member976324 On 28th January 23 verified Verified student

The library and public study rooms have a good environment and provide convenient self-study space.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member576190 On 27th January 23 verified Verified student

To study in this university makes me feel so happy. The lecturers in my class are all professional.

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1175301 On 19th January 23 verified Verified student

The inclusivity, the diversity is out of the world. The professors are all very articulate and amazing.

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member1375294 On 19th January 23 verified Verified student

Everyone is always stressed, never seen so many people under so much pressure in each subject. Uni support is a joke and honestly the only thing to distract yourself with is going out.

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member574987 On 16th January 23 verified Verified student

This is a great uni if you are ok with doing a lot of work on your own. In my experience you are just expected to know how to write uni essays or do exams, but there is support if you look for it.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member774943 On 14th January 23 verified Verified student

Its pretty good and fun, just very clear the services are over run.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member674061 On 7th December 22 verified Verified student

I've only been here three months so far, so I can't say a ton, but so far I have really enjoyed my experience here. The study spaces are great and support is easily accessible, whether it's academic or personal. Only thing is Blackboard (the main software used for lecture prep) is quite difficult to get used to using (but from what I can tell, most unis use the same software so it just takes some getting used to, and I feel pretty comfortable using it now.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member1370445 On 5th December 22 verified Verified student

Absolute shambles of a university. I studied Japanese here for 2 years just for the uni to cancel my year abroad and give me as little support as possible. Then shrugging their shoulders and saying 'oh well' when I couldn't get into the advanced classes in final year. The atmosphere around the uni is anxiety inducing. The marking is so inconsistent and lectures are pretty much non-existent if you do anything other than Maths and Physics. The Student union too only seems to care about rich international students. £9250 a year for lies and a couple of PowerPoint slides. Whoopee!!

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1073695 On 25th November 22 verified Verified student

Low amount of contact hours for certain courses, but decent level of support overall

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Student Review: 4 /5
By humanbean129 On 6th November 22 verified Verified student

Most buildings are pretty nice and well maintained, but some of the newer buildings are really amazing. The engineering building in particular has great study areas that are a go-to for getting work done, even if I'm not scheduled to be there for a lecture; Big tables with charging ports and lights, and people are considerate so you won't often be bothered by noisy people. Don't engage with the student union much, but it seems like it has a load of stuff to offer. The SU building is also super nice, and host to lots of cool events. The internet in some of the bigger buildings is prone to being unreliable during peak hours, specifically in the engineering building. Otherwise, its very fast and has alright range on campus, usually working on the street right outside. If youre in uni accommodation (i.e. your dorm internet is eduroam for wifi and hornet for ethernet) its a different story though - its totally reliable and its also extremely fast on wired.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By Julian w On 28th September 22 verified Verified student

Good stuff, would recommend to anyone.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member771781 On 24th September 22 verified Verified student

The university of manchester is a beautiful building. It has a lot of places to study and a good connection with the wifi.

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member671748 On 23rd September 22 verified Verified student

Great university with a great social life and all the teaching staff are brilliant

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member771493 On 11th September 22 verified Verified student

I’ve received a lot of support from my department, however the university can be a little disorganised. Whether that is timetables being incorrect, not being given at all, receiving no email replies from your lecturers, waiting months for your mitigating circumstances request to be responded to. The university definitely could be more organised, but I really enjoy studying here otherwise. There are a lot of events held and some really nice societies too.

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member1071337 On 5th September 22 verified Verified student

The best academics in the UK - they are experts in their fields! Amazing curriculum as well, but facilities and accommodation must improve!

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1370766 On 12th August 22 verified Verified student

Staff are generally helpful and friendly. Lots of great study spaces (I was in the business building), but Alan Gilbert is also a great place to study, although often full. Has a variety of great resources and useful learning material. Still on my 3rd year, but its been a great year so far!

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member1270681 On 8th August 22 verified Verified student

It's a vibrant place, with lots of opportunities and nice people.

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