Single Rooms - Ensuite Superior Ensuite
37 Weeks
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A lovely place to live (especially in the superior flats). Security are very strict during the evening/night so keep that in mind.
*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.
A lovely place to live (especially in the superior flats). Security are very strict during the evening/night so keep that in mind.
Price from | £194.25 per week (subject to availability) |
Catering | Self-catered |
Postcode | SE1 0AP |
37 Weeks
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37 Weeks
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37 Weeks
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37 Weeks
Tenancy Length
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This accom is so bad. Wifi never works. The showers are disgusting and barely function, same with heating. During my time here, one of my flat mates discovered a leak in her room during one of the first weeks in September. She quickly alerted management and was moved to a new room, except no one ever came to fix the leak, it started to leak to the corridor and created a horrific smell. In December the entire block of flats was evacuated because of this leak that had been left and ignored for months. We lost all of our food, heating and hot water didn’t work, we were moved to the other accommodations put in flats with strangers and couldn’t bring much of our stuff. Received a very small amount of compensation for food. We also aren’t allowed guests over at all unless you sneak them in before 8pm! ;) security will send you and your friends out onto the streets ( in central london) in the middle of the night if you haven’t had approval for a guest. Guest approval is so difficult to seek
A lovely place to live (especially in the superior flats). Security are very strict during the evening/night so keep that in mind.
This was the most disgusting horrible place I've ever stayed in in my whole life. Bins in every single kitchen would be overflowing due to cleaners not coming and emptying them. On multiple occasions I had rats and mice in my accommodation. The way that this halls run is like an absolute prison. You aren't allowed to bring someone in past 11 o'clock if they haven't been signed in prior the day before even if they are from the university. This causes massive problems with socialising and it means a lot of the students only make friends with other people in the halls because its so much hassle to try and get anyone else in. Because of the lack of others to socialise with means that once people have fall outs with each other ( which is only natural! but also massively advanced due to this!) means that people are easily singled out and then find it hard to make more friends. When I lived there I saw this happen to many people and them become severely depressed.
This place is absolutely dreadful. Please don’t come here and if parents are reading please don’t send your children here. Don’t plan on getting sleep (EVER) and don’t even think about trying to bring a guest round (it will ruin your personal relationship). It’s actually quite amusing because the staff try their HARDEST to be as rude and as condescending and as unhelpful as possible...but there’s no accountbility so what can you do?? Will be moving out in January and paying extra to live in student housing because this place is like living in a psychiatric asylum.
Probabilmente la peggior struttura in cui abbia mai alloggiato. La moquette nella camera era sporca,così come la sedia che aveva una macchia enorme sopra con tanto di chewing-gum spalmata sopra. La doccia è praticamente tutto il bagno ed è divisa dai sanitari da una modestissima tenda. Il lavandino era scomodissimo da usare data la sua posizione molto ribassata e non si riusciva a regolare la temperatura dell’acqua sia del lavandino che della doccia. Inoltre le lenzuola del letto erano sporche di sangue. Non viene fornito nessun asciugamano ed il letto è rifatto solo una volta a settimana. A dir poco scandaloso.
Al mio arrivo entro in stanza e mi assale un disgustoso odore non ben definito, che oltretutto non è ancora andato via, nonostante lasci sempre la finestra aperta, per quel che è possibile, visto che non si può aprire più di 10 cm. Per non parlare della stanza. Innanzitutto la moquette è sporca, non l'ho mai vista pulita dall'inizio del mio soggiorno. Le lenzuola del letto, lenzuola si fa per dire dato che ci sono solo un copri materasso che non copre neanche tutto il materasso e un piumino, sono sporche di sostanze non ben definite, e non mi accingo in ulteriori descrizioni, e bucate. Passiamo al bagno. La doccia è composta di un telo, che se non ce lo avessero messo non sarebbe cambiato granché, e non c'è neanche il piatto doccia, il che significa che ogni volta che mi lavo allago tutto il bagno, con la costante paura di allagare anche la stanza e quindi la moquette, incrementando il cattivo odore. Il pavimento del bagno non viene pulito da non so quante decadi,così come il lavandino
Nn è per niente pulito, abbiamo topi nelle stanze e nelle cucine, il personale è praticamente assente nonostante le regole siano rigidissime
"You can get passes for guests for up to seven nights, but are tutted at and questioned "why?" if you request more a nights stay. Can't sign people in after eight o clock to stay over, and guests are point blank refused entry. I rang in advance to sign my boyfriend in when our train was delayed, turned up after eight o clock expecting the pass to be waiting for us and there wasn't one. The security guard told us we were lying when we said we rang ahead. If you need help they simply tell you to "put it in an email" to which you get no reply. A woman from the rehab centre got into the courtyard past midnight twice screaming and fighting. Post gets put in wrong boxes so you can't access it. Receptionists, "student ambassadors" and security guards are lazy, rude and don't care. Infestations of bed bugs, mice and cockroaches in different rooms. The water supply got turned off for days, constant power cuts, and they allow people to smoke and be loud inside, saying theres nothing they can do.
Very Noisy, poor management, bad experience, even after changing room twice. 3 of my friends also decided to get out of there in the middle of semester, because of noise problem. If you are going to study a serious course, this is the worst place for you. People just do not care, after midnight you hear people screaming in the yard, many people are awake overnight and they make door noises, BANG! lots of noise from streets , avoid at any cost.
If you are going to be here to STUDY and have a peaceful nights, you are in the wrong place, be aware that you will be under so much stress and it will leads you to fail your modules. There is A LOT OF noise here, during the nights specially, parties and broken door mechanism , you will be awake all nights becasue of the BANGS all the time, management is a Joke, and even hall embasadors chilling and drinking till 4am sometimes, and don't give a damn about you, I have changed my room 2 times and I will get out of here ASAP just like 50% of my other flatmates who got out during the term time . what a waist of time and money, please please please be aware, if your course is seriuse and you have exams, if you need to concentrate, this is the wrong place for you, avoide it. simply check easyroommate and spareroom to find a good place/flat to share with 2-3 adults not a bunch of crazy kids....
Living in a prison would be better! Water contaminated so couldn't shower, brush teeth or drink and we weren't informed about the problem for 2 days Wifi is always down Lift to F block was broken for a month Mice Always dirty even after the "cleaners" have "cleaned". Can't even use the hoover as it's broken and smells like something has died inside it If something breaks good luck getting it fixed, I'm still living with a leak which I've had since September Rude staff Rooms are disgusting, walls all chipped, dated furniture, bathroom covered in grime Constant noise due to paper thin walls Pipes making noises all night Right outside a building site Items of post being opened and possessions being taken Living with drug users Stay away unless you wish to catch something
Mice in the kitchen Cockroaches Bed bugs NO security (people from other blocks walking straight through the fire door) Contaminated water Internet failings Ovens trip fuse to power while flat because they won't replace the circuit Maintenance staff are rude
Water has been contaminated so you physically can't take showers, drink water or even brush your teeth. Knew about the Issue on Friday and didn't tell us until Sunday saying that if we have any symptoms that we need to go to our GP. Lies about the issue and told us to not use the taps all together to begin with. Internet has days where it is down. One of the women managers is extremely rude and obnoxious, walls have chips in them, everyone smokes weed out of their windows or even in the kitchen. Constantly being around drug users and on the odd occasion people taking heroine. If you love yourself or your kids you would not send them to mclaren. I will never return to this disgust vile hell hold.
McLaren house seemed lovely, but once I settled in I realised it wasn't like that at all. The reception seems modern and stylish, but the rooms are dated and the kitchens, hallways, stairs etc are disgusting. The lack of cleaning meant cigarettes and bottles etc were often left in the courtyard for days. I understand that some residents may have been a little difficult to deal with but the management did absolutely nothing to deal with any of the issues. If anything breaks here it doesn't they fixed for months...even if it's the lift and you live on the 8th floor....have fun.