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Computer Game Design and Enterprise (with Industrial Placement) BSc Hons
Why choose this course? Join a UK leading course designed to develop strong technical game design, business and production skills so you can be a future industry leader.
The team work closely with organisations
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What you will need to do
What you won’t need to do
Points of entry for Computer Game Design and Enterprise (with Industrial Placement) BSc Hons
Year 1
Entry requirements for Computer Science and Computer Games and Animation at Wrexham University
Required subjects for Computer Game Design and Enterprise (with Industrial Placement) BSc Hons at Wrexham University
UCAS points for current students on Computer Science and Computer Games and Animation at Wrexham University
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How good is this course?
Most relevant Student Reviews for Computer Science at Wrexham University
Computer Science, BSc Hons FullTime
Great place to do the course and worth for the price read more
Computer Science, BSc Hons FullTime
this university is a SCAM visit http://www.northwalesmanagementschool.co.uk read more
Computer Science, BSc Hons FullTime
I signed up for an online MSc Computer Science with Software Engineering. The VLE is the most confusing I've ever experienced, the materials are outdated and, frankly, boring. I don't know how you can learn this subject by reading a textbook!! I will be demanding a refund and studying with a different establishment. read more
Computer Science, BSc Hons FullTime
Worst online platform I have ever seen and I build Learning Management Systems as a professional developer. read more
Computer Science, BSc Hons FullTime
Unfortunately, I enrolled in the online Master of Computer Science at Wrexham Glyndwr University (they also call it the North Wales Management School). It was so bad that a large group of angry students formed a mob and demanded their money back, but so far none of them have gotten their money back - I got the feeling the university has too many money problems and can't afford to give a refund to all the angry students so they just ignore everyone's emails. There are no teachers - the students just pay £500 to watch old videos that the university recorded and then hand in a few assignments that aren't actually even marked (the university gave the entire class the same mark, no matter how good or bad their assignment was). The university will be shut down and lose its university status because in the UK it is illegal to do this. People always said WGU is bad, but I don't mind bad so much, I just won't tolerate illegal behaviour. read more
Most relevant Student Reviews for Computer Games and Animation at Wrexham University
Computer Game Development, BSc Hons FullTime
Only just started but did one module related to it last year and it seems great, team seems great read more
Computer Game Design and Enterprise (with Foundation Year), BSc Hons FullTime
This course is amazing as we have great teachers and are constantly being given opportunities to get into the gaming industry read more
Game Art, BA Hons FullTime
Course started off okay, then they shifted the teaching staff around to fill in a gap and everything went south. None of the staff could stay organised despite their valliant efforts and miscommunication was common. I'd loved to have stayed on my course but they scrapped it half way through my time there and mashed it with a computing course and called it a day. Teachers genuinely did their best but its hard to teach when the higher ups keep messing everyone around read more
8 aggregated reviews by students studying at Wrexham University.