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Leeds City College Reviews

33 Reviews by Students

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Ratings and Reviews


2.89 / 5 from 33 verified student reviews

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Central location and very practical

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By member458488
On 30th May 21
verified Verified student
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Ratings and Reviews


2.89 / 5 from 33 verified student reviews

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Average reviews from courses

Value for Money
Teaching Quality
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Most helpful review

Central location and very practical

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Internet / Wifi
By member458488
On 30th May 21
verified Verified student
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I have received an offer for Sept 2024 but would like to know the quality of teaching in either Politics, History or English Language A level from a current student.
By member13102981 On 5th March 24

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Read Leeds City College Reviews

Student Review: 3 /5
By member899773 On 8th February 24 verified Verified student

Good uni and staff amazing facilities

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Student Review: 2.8 /5
By member1185958 On 10th May 23 verified Verified student

The staff are really amazing, the tutors are really valuable and some of the campus can be great, but some things can be a let down, it is a college at the end of the day so if you’re expecting a true uni experience then change your mindset x

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Student Review: 2.8 /5
By member876985 On 2nd February 23 verified Verified student

Campus facilities not the best but teachers are great

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member1067293 On 15th March 22 verified Verified student

The teachers are so helpful and do anything to help you get the grade you want

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Student Review: 2 /5
By member1162973 On 19th October 21 verified Verified student

good size classes but not very good for social activities

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member458488 On 30th May 21 verified Verified student

Central location and very practical

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member558517 On 30th May 21 verified Verified student

The selling point for me was not just the course, but also the student life - so many amazing societies!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member852145 On 16th November 20 verified Verified student

I am studying at the university centre Leeds (part of the college) so far I am enjoying my course studying makeup

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member752103 On 13th November 20 verified Verified student

Modern facilities. One campus, so everything is close and nearby.

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member552096 On 13th November 20 verified Verified student

They offer good activities to get everyone involved such as the movie competition where we had to dress up as a character from a movie

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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1352097 On 13th November 20 verified Verified student

Great facilities and helpful staff

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member951803 On 27th October 20 verified Verified student

Quality of teaching is terrible we just read from a textbook, which is something I could have done at home. Once they have your money they don't care! I have tried transferring to a more reputable provider but they refuse to reimburse any funds, avoid at all costs

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member1249654 On 4th July 20 verified Verified student

Wanted to return to studying, applied for Leeds city college. Didn’t hear anything for 2 months so tried getting in touch with them, no one bothered to respond to my emails or messages through their contact us part of website. On the one occasion I got through, they said someone will ring you back. Never did. Put me off wanting to study here as they don’t seem to care or are willing to help out. Highly recommend looking for alternate colleges.

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member940216 On 8th July 19 verified Verified student

so unorganised and unprofessional the staff were very rude and didnt help me with my a levels at all as he told me to do my own research

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Student Review: 3.2 /5
By member1239327 On 13th June 19 verified Verified student

So far so good. Have done 2 levels there and I'm about to do a diploma. I don't use the facilities so irrelevant. Tutor is qualified, modest and likeable, not a guru type but a "constant learner type". A lot depends on the student's attitude, organising skills and wit+what is someone doing outside of the course. The choice of the course is on the student, I don't get it how can one complain about lack of opportunities after. Someone's combined about how the college rips money etc. It's a business at the end of the day, isn't it? There's always going to be people who complain about something and just can't look into themselves. These people usually don't achieve much. How you utilise the skills learned is up to you.

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Student Review: 1.8 /5
By member536608 On 20th March 19 verified Verified student

Poor course quality, poorly trained teachers and zero career prospects after I became qualified.

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member735125 On 29th November 18 verified Verified student

Totally appalling money grabbing company. Poorly managed, exploits students, and genuinely nice members of staff are diamonds in the rough as some teachers and all management are narcissists. Poor behaviour management of students and support is rubbish don’t come here if you want to learn!

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Student Review: 1.6 /5
By member430606 On 28th February 18 verified Verified student

Toilets are constantly out of order, the teachers can't spell - or teach for that matter! Teachers are always late, the longest I waited was 1 hour 15m. The security system is rubbish, nobody will ask for you ID if you do not wear it, the ID scanners at doors never work... Classes can't be controlled - during exams students talk freely. Before an Ofsted inspection, the walls were painting and teachers patrolled halls for ID wearers, rules were strictly enforced! FAB! except as soon as they left it went back to its usual loose self.

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Student Review: 1.2 /5
By member629668 On 15th January 18 verified Verified student

Lack of material to use in study's, poor computer facility, constantly broken entry turn styles. Terrible planning on work given, teachers know less than some of the students on the course. Personal favourite, goal posts changed when coursework goals are set.

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Student Review: 1.4 /5
By member429318 On 7th December 17 verified Verified student

Engineering course! Don’t waste your time. Awful. They forget they’re kids! In 3 months they’ve learned about STD’s and little else. Left wondering Leeds city centre at night. NOT acceptable. Get a grip.

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Student Review: 1.4 /5
By member528679 On 7th October 17 verified Verified student

Do not come here if you are in need of additional help, such as specific educational needs or medical needs. The additional help offered is often not given, though they will tell you different. Staff are unprofessional and vindictive (Though for legal reasons they will ensure no one can be directly blamed, AKA "passing the buck/Closing ranks). Work/syllabus is the bare minimum, often pointing you to third party websites, despite paying for the course (and no, this is not in addition to work given by them.) If you can go elsewhere for your course, elsewhere will be better. This should be a last resort based on my experience. Shame, really.

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Student Review: 1.4 /5
By member428567 On 3rd October 17 verified Verified student

Brood, money eating, unprofesional bunch of people

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Student Review: 1 /5
By member927227 On 12th August 17 verified Verified student

Apply for a course as a mature student gets you fobbed off with "we will contact you", sit waiting for update to your application after interview and receive nothing. A simple no would allow people to then apply for a better college. I'll focus on mooc's then apply to Bradford next year cheers for the wasted time.

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Student Review: 1.2 /5
By member19962910 On 9th November 16 verified Verified student

Don't address behaviour in class, constant distractions and yet the teachers/tutors do nothing. Very hard to focus and reach full potential when it's treat like a primary school in regards to behaviour, constant use of phones in lessons also not punished.

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