Cheapest Cities in Wales for Student Accommodation

Which is the cheapest Welsh university?
While the cost of university in Wales is consistent in terms of tuition fees, the cost of accommodation and rent varies depending on which location you choose to study in. What most university rankings won't tell you is how much rent is, or what the average living expenses are in that city. These additional factors can impact your overall university costs and choosing an expensive city could cost you thousands more each year!
Where is the cheapest place to live in Wales as a student?
To help you find the most affordable Welsh universities, our league table uses StudentCrowd’s live accommodation data* to give you the top 5 cheapest cities. This is the best data on student accommodation in the UK.
You can use our league table below to make the most effective decision for your student budget. Although the rent costs per week only differ slightly, those few extra pounds add up over the year.
So if getting the best value for money is important to you, explore our league table! Discover the most affordable cities in Wales and read student reviews to learn more about life as a student.
Last updated - 3rd March 2023
Top 5 Cheapest Cities in Wales for Student Accommodation

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"A lot of people who are sharing connections ideas and opportunities..."
Universities in this location: University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)
Avg: Shared Flat Shared Bathroom | Avg: Shared Flat with Ensuite | Avg: Studio |
Not available | £95 | Not available |

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"Plenty of places to eat out and a huge range of pubs if a pint is your thing to wind down."
Universities in this location: Aberystwyth University
Avg: Shared Flat Shared Bathroom | Avg: Shared Flat with Ensuite | Avg: Studio |
£93 | £127 | £156 |

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“A beautiful city, with a good location and welcoming people, also with a lot of opportunities for student development.”
Universities in this location: Swansea University
Avg: Shared Flat Shared Bathroom | Avg: Shared Flat with Ensuite | Avg: Studio |
£96 | £143 | £186 |

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“I love it here. There are loads of nooks and crannies and beautiful sights once you get looking. It's right next to Anglesey, Snowdonia and some pretty towns (Llandudno, Conwy) which are fun to explore with mates. There are two clubs; Academi isn't that great but throw good events sometimes, Cube has decent DJs in every Saturday if that's what you're into. There's a pretty good underground scene here too, especially at Rascals and The Menai.”
Universities in this location: Bangor University
Avg: Shared Flat Shared Bathroom | Avg: Shared Flat with Ensuite | Avg: Studio |
£110 | £136 | £181 |

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"Cardiff is a lovely seaside town with a great city center. It’s extremely walkable and the arcades are a really treat to discover! Would recommend visiting the Cardiff market as well to get yourself some yummy welshcakes :)"
Universities in this location: Cardiff UniversityCardiff Metropolitan UniversityUniversity of South Wales (Prifysgol De Cymru)
Avg: Shared Flat Shared Bathroom | Avg: Shared Flat with Ensuite | Avg: Studio |
£133 | £148 | £178 |
*StudentCrowd’s data is the most comprehensive data on the cost of student accommodation in the UK. Find out more on how we collect and manage our accommodation data here.
The table below is based on the cost of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and university-owned halls. We used the monthly average of all student accommodation in each location from September 2021 - August 2022. Note, it does not cover HMO (house in multiple occupation) rents, however, PBSA and university-owned accommodation are an accurate reflection of local HMO rents. StudentCrowd collects rent and occupancy data on a weekly basis for all PBSA accommodation and on a fortnightly basis for all university-owned accommodation in the UK.

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Find out how much you need to budget for university, learn about tuition fees, maintenance loans and calculate your expected living costs.

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Discover the average accommodation prices of over 70 cities in the UK. Read student reviews of each city and find out which is the cheapest!

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Read about all the different costs you will need to factor in when budgeting for university. Learn how to calculate your weekly budget after your maintenance loan comes in.