Best Universities for Personal Tutor 2024

University Personal Tutor League Table 2024#
We are excited to announce the top 20 best UK universities for personal tutors, rated by verified students on StudentCrowd!
Students praised perceptive tutors, and unparalleled levels of support.
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Personal Tutor League Table 2024#

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University of St Andrews
Love my course, made some great friends, geogsoc has cool events. Great tutors

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University of Sheffield
Good tutors! good course content! good teaching quality! good job prospect! strong peer support. I am very happy to study here.

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Ulster University
Amazing tutors supporting me through the course, excellent equipment

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University of Warwick
A great place to study biochemistry with helpful lecturers and tutors. Studying at Warwick has been a great stepping stone for my career.

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University of Greenwich
The teaching staff at the university is excellent. With the tutors going into good amount of details during a seminar. the sports societies on offer and good i am personally in the ACS and the basketball society.

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University of Liverpool
Good course with outstanding tutors. The study subject is really up to date and reflect on the reality.

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Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)
It’s really amazing and the tutors are so helpful

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King's College London (KCL)
Amazing experience. Couldn’t have asked for better tutor

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University of Chester
The tutors are very perceptive to student issues

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Bangor University
About a month here and I should have come earlier lol. Great tutors, serene learning environment, friendly and helpful people literally everywhere in the town. You guys are helping me apply my thoughts and get my brain to work more effectively haha

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Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
My course has been so much fun, I’ve learn a lot and had a lot of help and support from my tutors

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University College London (UCL)
Very warm and welcoming atmosphere and a great campus with lots of lovely study spaces and really good tutors too! So many clubs and societies to join so there really is something for everyone :)

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University of Birmingham
Interesting topics that were taught in a memorable way. The tutorials were helpful to ask for questions

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Sheffield Hallam University
Overall very good experience,loved doing product design at undergraduate level, the tutors were very supportive

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University of Portsmouth
Outstanding course, with fantastic learning opportunities and excellent tutors.

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University of Nottingham
Really have enjoyed my course and my tutors are really good

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University of Exeter
Teachers are very supportive and personal tutors help you get through any difficulties you may encounter during your studies

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University of Lincoln
All the tutors here are very supportive.

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Durham University
The tutors are very skilled and helpful.

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Loughborough University
Lovely course, really enjoyable and rewarding and great with job prospects. Amazing tutors.
How were the top 20 universities for personal tutor decided?#
To calculate this league table, we analysed 31,564 authentic student reviews written on StudentCrowd between June 2022 and June 2024. When students review their course, they give it a rating out of 5 stars for ‘Personal Tutor’. We used this rating across all universities in the UK to showcase the BEST 20 according to students.
The StudentCrowd Awards 2024 is the only university ranking based 100% on verified students in the UK, using their email address. This includes international students who attend UK universities.