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Criminology and Sociology BA Hons
Criminology and Sociology BA at Keele equips you to analyse complex social phenomena, explore the intersections of society and criminal justice, whilst developing innovative solutions to current and future
read moreMost helpful review for Sociology, Social Policy and Anthropology and Sociology at Keele University
Criminology and Sociology, BA Hons FullTime
Super good teachers who usually answer email questions promptly, they all have office hours. Personal tutours are a bit bad, can take up to 2 weeks to hear back from them- even on time sensitive stuff
How do I apply and how easy is it to get in?
What you will need to do
What you won’t need to do
Points of entry for Criminology and Sociology BA Hons
Year 1
Entry requirements for Sociology, Social Policy and Anthropology and Sociology at Keele University
Required subjects for Criminology and Sociology BA Hons at Keele University
UCAS points for current students on Sociology, Social Policy and Anthropology and Sociology at Keele University
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Most relevant Student Reviews for Criminology and Sociology BA Hons at Keele University
Criminology and Sociology, BA Hons FullTime
Super good teachers who usually answer email questions promptly, they all have office hours. Personal tutours are a bit bad, can take up to 2 weeks to hear back from them- even on time sensitive stuff read more
Most relevant Student Reviews for Sociology at Keele University
Forensic Science and Criminology, BSc Hons FullTime
I think my course has helped me prepare for my future career and job opportunities read more
Criminology and Sociology, BA Hons FullTime
Lectures and seminars are engaging read more
Criminology, BA Hons FullTime
It's been an okay course. I've struggled quite a bit and the content isn't what I was expecting, though perhaps that was me being a bit naïve. My experience has been pretty average. The lecturers and seminar leaders do a good job but the PowerPoints could be a little more interesting to look at. read more
Criminology and Sociology, BA Hons FullTime
Super good teachers who usually answer email questions promptly, they all have office hours. Personal tutours are a bit bad, can take up to 2 weeks to hear back from them- even on time sensitive stuff read more
Criminology, BA Hons FullTime
I love my course! I just wish I had had the full experience of it due to covid read more
Criminology, BA Hons FullTime
very good course with responsive teachers read more
Psychology and Sociology, BSc Hons FullTime
Absolutely love my course to pieces amazing content just have an awful personal tutor read more
Criminology, BA Hons FullTime
I have only just started but so far I'm enjoying the course. All the lecturers are lovely and don't mind having a laugh with you during the class. They do talk pretty fast though so be prepared to write quickly or bring a laptop like many other people do. I'm personally not one of those people who uses their academic tutor much but he is a nice man who made me feel comfortable and welcome when I first met him. Tutorials are rough at first as you have to work through the hundreds of icebreakers and awkward silences but eventually people relax and you start to have fun. No one is bothered if you ask a stupid question or give the wrong answer (such as "What was happening in Germany in 1850?" "World War II") and everyone is willing to help you out if you forget your paper or pens. read more
9 aggregated reviews by students studying at Keele University.