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courses are available in for Engineering
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering MEng Hons
Aeronautical Engineering MEng Hons
UCAS Code 92N5
112 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Aeronautical Engineering BEng Hons
Aeronautical Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H410
96 UCAS Points Part-Time 6 years course Pontypridd 96 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd
More options Aerospace Engineering (Sandwich Course) BEng Hons
Aerospace Engineering (Sandwich Course) BEng Hons
UCAS Code H503
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Aerospace Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
Aerospace Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
UCAS Code H501
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 12 months course Pontypridd Aerospace Engineering MEng Hons
Aerospace Engineering MEng Hons
UCAS Code H502
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Aeronautical Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
Aeronautical Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
UCAS Code H413
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Aircraft Engineering and Maintenance Systems (Top Up) BSc Hons
Aircraft Engineering and Maintenance Systems (Top Up) BSc Hons
UCAS Code H406
Full-Time 12 months course Pontypridd Part-Time 2 years course Pontypridd
More options Aerospace Engineering BEng Hons
Aerospace Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H500
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd Aeronautical Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
Aeronautical Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
UCAS Code HK10
80 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
UCAS Code H404
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering BSc Hons
Mechanical Engineering BSc Hons
UCAS Code H304
96 UCAS Points Part-Time 6 years course Pontypridd 96 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd
More options Mechanical Engineering MEng Hons
Mechanical Engineering MEng Hons
UCAS Code L21H
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Mechanical Engineering BEng Hons
Mechanical Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H300
Part-Time 6 years course Pontypridd
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering BSc Hons
Civil Engineering BSc Hons
UCAS Code H201
96 UCAS Points Part-Time 6 years course Pontypridd 96 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd
More options Civil Engineering HNC
Civil Engineering HNC
Part-Time 2 years course Pontypridd Civil Engineering (Sandwich course) BSc Hons
Civil Engineering (Sandwich course) BSc Hons
UCAS Code HF00
80 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Civil Engineering BEng Hons
Civil Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H200
80 UCAS Points Part-Time 6 years course Pontypridd 120 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd
More options Civil Engineering MEng Hons
Civil Engineering MEng Hons
UCAS Code 95TD
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Civil Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
Civil Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
UCAS Code HG00
120 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Civil Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
Civil Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
UCAS Code H207
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Real Estate (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
Real Estate (Including Foundation Year) BSc Hons
UCAS Code K44F
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Real Estate BSc Hons
Real Estate BSc Hons
UCAS Code K440
96 UCAS Points Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd 96 UCAS Points Part-Time 5 years course Pontypridd
More options Real Estate BSc Hons
Real Estate BSc Hons
UCAS Code K441
96 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
UCAS Code H613
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Electrical and Electronic Engineering HNC
Electrical and Electronic Engineering HNC
Part-Time 2 years course Pontypridd Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Sandwich course) BEng Hons
UCAS Code HQ00
112 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd
Production and Manufacturing Engineering
Automotive Engineering BEng Hons
Automotive Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H330
Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd Automotive Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
Automotive Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng Hons
UCAS Code H333
48 UCAS Points Full-Time 4 years course Pontypridd Automotive Engineering BEng Hons
Automotive Engineering BEng Hons
UCAS Code H331
Full-Time 3 years course Pontypridd